BODY REPAIR SHOP is located in Stanbel Road Salisbury Plain opposite the Scouts Recycling Centre.
With over 20 years Plus experience
"where quality still comes first" .....
we have many satisfied clients who have not only been pleased with our results but have enjoyed the one on one relationship we build with customers when restoring their vehicle.
As an approved RAA Crash Repairer and a member of the MTA, the BODY REPAIR SHOP produces the quality workmanship necessary to be proudly associated and approved by these Auto Industry Organizations.
Nearby Service areas are: Paralowie, Salisbury, Salisbury Downs, Salisbury North, Salisbury North Whites Road, Brahma Lodge, Salisbury East, Salisbury East Northbri Ave, Salisbury Heights, Salisbury Park, Salisbury Plain, Bolivar, Burton, Direk, Globe Derby Park, St Kilda, Waterloo Corner